Who We Are

We are a team of scholars and medical experts who are dedicated to researching and developing Islamic legal and ethical principles related to medical issues. Our team is led by Muhammad Faeq, who is specialized in Islamic jurisprudence and is responsible for compiling Fatwas and conducting research on new and emerging medical issues.

Our focus is on the field of Fiqh of Medicine, which involves applying Islamic legal principles to medical issues and dilemmas. We conduct research on Prophetic Medicine and Islamic Medicine to provide a comprehensive understanding of medical practices within an Islamic context.

Our team is partially supervised by the renowned Islamic jurist, Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani, who provides his Shari’ah opinion on some of the complex issues when we consult him or extrapolate the Shari’ah Verdict already endorsed by him. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of scholarship and ensuring that our work is grounded in a deep understanding of Islamic law and medical practices.

We are also proud to have Dr. Saleem Anwar, a medical doctor & Islamic Scholar from the UK, on our team. Dr. Saleem provides medical expertise and works closely with our other doctors and medical professionals to ensure that our research and Fatwas are based on the most up-to-date medically knowledge.

Board of Members

Dr. Muhammad Saleem Anwar

(Doctor & Islamic Scholar)

Dr. Muhammad Saleem Anwar

(Doctor & Islamic Scholar)
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Dr. Hanif Kamal


Dr. Hanif Kamal

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Muhammad Faeq

(Islamic Scientist — Specialised in Islamic Jurisprudence, Jamia Darululoom Karachi)

Muhammad Faeq

(Islamic Scientist — Specialised in Islamic Jurisprudence, Jamia Darululoom Karachi)
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Our Mission

Through our website, we hope to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Fiqh of Medicine and its relevance in contemporary medical practice. We strive to engage with diverse perspectives and promote discourse on medical issues from an Islamic perspective.

Join us on our journey to explore the Fiqh of Medicine and its application in modern healthcare.

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Dr. Muhammad Saleem Anwar

(Doctor & Islamic Scholar)

Dr. Muhammad Saleem Anwar is a medical professional with extensive education and experience in various areas of medicine. He had completed his MBBS degree from Dow Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan in 1996. Later, he pursued further education and obtained ECFMG from the USA in 2000, MRCP from the UK in 2005, CCST in G(I)M & Respiratory Medicine in 2013 after completion of formal specialty training in North West London deanery, and FRCP from the UK in 2018.

Currently, he is serving as a Consultant Chest and G(I)M Physician at The Princess Alexandra Hospital in Harlow, East London, UK since 2013.

His specialist interests include ILD, TB, NTM, non-CF bronchiectasis, VTE, and Interventional bronchoscopy (EBUS); and is actively involved in research and serve as a principal investigator for various trials in ILD and non-CF bronchiectasis.

He has completed Hifz of Quran; Faadil degree from Islamic Dawah Academy Leicester (IDAUK) under the tutelage of Shaykh ul Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (D.B) and Specialization in Ifta

He volunteers as imam and Khateeb in East London area and runs formal teaching courses and pastoral services for the community.

Dr. Hanif Kamal


Dr. Hanif Kamal is a Pediatric Infectious Diseases Consultant affiliated with South City Hospital, with a career spanning over 25 years, he has dedicated his life to advancing medical knowledge and promoting ethical practices within the realm of medicine.

Dr. Hanif began his journey by earning his MBBS degree from the prestigious Dow Medical University in Karachi. Seeking to broaden his horizons, he pursued postgraduate training and specialization in Pediatrics in the United States of America. His unwavering commitment to knowledge and excellence led him to achieve the distinction of becoming a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, as well as a Diplomate of both the American Board of Pediatrics and the American Board of Pediatric Infectious Diseases.

Having honed his skills and expertise abroad, Dr. Kamal returned to his homeland, Karachi, where he currently serves as an Assistant Professor at Liaquat National Hospital & Medical College. His academic contributions have enriched the medical community, and his teachings have inspired countless aspiring medical professionals.

Specializing in Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Dr. Kamal possesses a unique ability to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses caused by various infectious agents, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, mycobacteria, and other uncommon pathogens. His approach is characterized by precision, up-to-date knowledge, and comprehensive patient care.

Beyond his exceptional medical prowess, Dr. Hanif Kamal has been deeply influenced by the esteemed islamic scholar and spiritual mentors in his life as he seek spiritual enrichment and moral guidance from his revered mentor, Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (D.B). Under Mufti Usmani’s tutelage, he has imbibed the values of compassion, integrity, and ethical conduct, which he ardently applies in his medical practice.

Muhammad Faeq

(Islamic Scientist — Specialised in Islamic Jurisprudence, Jamia Darululoom Karachi)

Mr. Muhammad Faeq has completed his contemporary education through the Cambridge system, obtaining O’ level and AS level qualifications. In addition to his contemporary education, he has completed nine years of Islamic education (Shahadah A’alamiyyah) under the tutelage of Mufti Muhammad Rafi Usmani (R.H), Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (D.B) & Mufti Mehmood Ashraf Usmani (R..H) & other diligent scholars. Carrying forward, he has completed three years of specialization in Islamic jurisprudence (Takhassus-Fil-Ifta) under the supervision of Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (D.B).

He has a keen interest in the Islamization of the medical discipline, and has provided consultations to various organizations in different modern disciplines like: Fiqh of Medicine, Islamic Banking & Finance, and Fiqh of Halal . He has also conducted several research studies, some of which have been endorsed by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (D.B). He is deeply passionate about the field of Islamic jurisprudence and medicine and will continue to contribute to its growth and development In-Sha-Allah.